4th Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
May 23-26, 2010, George Washington University, Washington, DC
All papers are available here.
Full Papers
10: Activity Lifespan: An Analysis of User Survival Patterns in Online Knowledge Sharing CommunitiesJiang Yang, Xiao Wei, Mark S. Ackerman, Lada A. Adamic
17: Predicting Elections with Twitter: What 140 Characters Reveal about Political Sentiment
Andranik Tumasjan, Timm O. Sprenger, Philipp G. Sandner, Isabell M. Welpe
19: How Does the Data Sampling Strategy Impact the Discovery of Information Diffusion in Social Media?
Munmun De Choudhury, Yu-Ru Lin, Hari Sundaram, K. Selcuk Candan, Lexing Xie, Aisling Kelliher
20: Sequential Influence Models in Social Networks
Dan Cosley, Daniel Huttenlocher, Jon Kleinberg, Xiangyang Lan, Siddharth Suri
30: Tweeting from the Town Square: Measuring Geographic Local Networks
Sarita Yardi, danah boyd
35: ICWSM - A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Product Reviews
Oren Tsur, Dmitry Davidov, Ari Rappoport
38: Measuring User Influence on Twitter: The Million Follower Fallacy
Meeyoung Cha, Hamed Haddadi, Fabricio Benevenuto, and Krishna P. Gummadi
39: Responses to remixing on a social media sharing website
Benjamin Mako Hill, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Kristina R. Olson
43: Your Brain on Facebook: Neuropsychological Associations with Social Versus other Media
Kristie Fisher, Scott Counts
47: ePluribus: Ethnicity on Social Networks
Jonathan Chang, Itamar Rosenn, Lars Backstrom, Cameron Marlow
66: To be a star is not only metaphoric: from popularity to social linkage
Alina Stoica, Thomas Couronne, Jean-Samuel Beuscart
75: Information Contagion: an Empirical Study of the Spread of News on Digg and Twitter Social Networks
Kristina Lerman, Rumi Ghosh
89: StepGreen.org: Increasing energy saving behaviors via social networks
Jennifer Mankoff, Susan R. Fussell, Rachel Glaves, Catherine Grevet, Michael Johnson, Deanna Matthews, H. Scott Matthews, Robert McGuire, Robert Thompson, Aubrey Shick, Leslie Setlock
94: The Directed Closure Process in Information Networks with an Analysis of Link Formation on Twitter
Daniel M. Romero, Jon Kleinberg
105: Widespread Worry and the Stock Market
Eric Gilbert, Karrie Karahalios
119: Star Quality: Aggregating Reviews to Rank Products and Merchants
Mary McGlohon, Natalie Glance, Zach Reiter
122: Characterizing Microblogs with Topic Models
Daniel Ramage, Susan Dumais, Dan Liebling
124: Photo Tagging Over Time: A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Attention, Network Density, and Motivations
Paul Russo, Oded Nov
125: Who Acquires Friends Through Social Media and Why? “Rich Get Richer” versus “Seek and Ye Shall Find”
Zeynep Tufekci
132: Study of Static Classification of Social Spam Profiles in MySpace
Danesh Irani, Steve Webb, Calton Pu
140: The Social Dynamics of Economic Activity in a Virtual World
Eytan Bakshy, Matthew P. Simmons, David A. Huffaker, Chun-Yuen Teng, Lada A. Adamic
142: Governance in Social Media: A case study of the Wikipedia promotion process
Jure Leskovec, Daniel Huttenlocher, Jon Kleinberg
143: Towards Social Causality: An Analysis of Interpersonal Relations in Online Blogs and Forums
Roxana Girju
148: From Tweets to Polls: Linking Text Sentiment to Public Opinion Time Series
Brendan O'Connor, Ramnath Balasubramanyan, Bryan R. Routledge, Noah A. Smith
155: Microblogging Inside and Outside the Workplace
Kate Ehrlich, N. Sadat Shami
Poster Papers
6: Connecting the Dots: When Personal Information Becomes Personally Identifying on the InternetDave Yates, Mark Shute, Dana Rotman
7: Comparing Information Diffusion Structure in Weblogs and Microblogs
Jiang Yang, Scott Counts
8: Sporepedia: A Case Study in the Popularity Dynamics of Social Media
Michael Twardos
12: Searching Versus Asking: A Comparison of Information Seeking Using Search Engines and Social Networks
Meredith Ringel Morris, Jaime Teevan, Katrina Panovich
18: Modeling Personality Influences on YouTube Usage
T. E. Dominic Yeo
23: Conversational Shadows: Describing Live Media Events using Short Message Conversations
David A. Shamma, Lyndon Kennedy, Elizabeth F. Churchill
26: A Qualitative Examination of Topical Tweet and Retweet Practices
Meenakshi Nagarajan, Hemant Purohit, Amit Sheth
31: Mining User Home Location, Travel Patterns and Gender from Flickr Tags
Adrian Popescu, Gregory Grefenstette
32: Challenges in Personalized Authority Flow Based Ranking of Social Media
Hassan Sayyadi, John Edmonds, Vagelis Hristidis, Louiqa Raschid
33: Social Intellisense: A Task-Embedded Interface to Folksonomies
Scott Counts, Kristie Fisher, Aaron Hoff
41: Effective Question Recommendation Based on Multiple Features for Question Answering Communities
Yutaka Kabutoya, Tomoharu Iwata, Hisako Shiohara, Ko Fujimura
42: Faceplant: Impression (Mis)management in Facebook status updates
Vladimir Barash, Nicolas Ducheneaut, Ellen Isaacs
44: Longevity in Second Life
ChunYuen Teng, Lada A. Adamic
48: Socio-Legal Analysis of Criminal Sentences: A Preliminary Study
Giuseppe Giura, Giovanni Giuffrida, Carlo Pennisi, Calogero Zarba
51: Classifier Calibration for Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification
Stephan Raaijmakers, Wessel Kraaij
52: Finding Gold in Intranet Data: A Comparison of Mined and Surveyed Social Networks
Chen Zhao, Baozhong Liu
56: Why do Users Tag? Detecting Usersí Motivation for Tagging in Social Tagging Systems
Markus Strohmaier, Christian Körner, Roman Kern
61: The Role of Personality in Social Networking Site Usage
Carrie Carmody, Alexia Cooper
69: Coping With Noise in a Real-World Weblog Crawler and Retrieval System
James Lanagan, Paul Ferguson, Neil O'Hare, Alan F. Smeaton
70: The Perceived Credibility of Online Encyclopedias Among Children
Andrew J. Flanagin, Miriam J. Metzger
71: Structural Holes and Click-Throughs in Online Advertising
Starling David Hunter III
72: Weighted-Voting Based Blog News Ranking System Increasing News Media Credibility
Kanghak Kim, Geonhyeok Go, Hyun-woo Park, Sangki Han
74: Social Dynamics of Digg
Tad Hogg, Kristina Lerman
76: Factors Mediating Disclosure in Social Network Sites
Fred Stutzman, Robert Capra, Jamila Thompson
77: A Ranking based Model for Automatic Image Annotation in a Social Network
Ludovic Denoyer, Patrick Gallinari
78: SMOB - A Platform for Open, Semantic and Distributed Microblogging
Alexandre Passant, Uldis Bojars, John G. Breslin, Tuukka Hastrup, Milan Stankovic, Philippe Laublet
81: Generating Domain-specific Clues using News Corpus for Sentiment Classification
Youngho Kim, Yoonjung Choi, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
82: Co-Participation Networks using Comment Information
Huzefa Rangwala, Salman Jamali
83: Devils, Angels, and Robots: Tempting Destructive Users in Social Media
Kyumin Lee, Brian David Eoff, James Caverlee
87: Patterns of Adoption of Science 2.0
Alastair Gill, Terhi Nokkala, Nigel Gilbert
88: A Comparison of Generated Wikipedia Profiles using Social Labeling and Automatic Keyword Extraction
Terrell Russell, Bongwon Suh, Ed H. Chi
95: User Interest and Interaction Structure in Online Forums
Di Liu, Daniel Percival, Stephen E. Fienberg
98: Empirical Analysis of User Participation in Online Communities: the Case of Wikipedia
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, Alberto Vancheri
99: Interaction Network Properties of Twitter
Jiang Yang, Scott Counts
101: Mobilizing Lurkers with a Targeted Task
Rosta Farzan, Joan Morris DiMicco, Beth Brownholtz
110: A Second Chance to Make a First Impression: Factors Affecting the Longevity of Online Dating Relationships
Lindsay Shaw Taylor, Andrew T. Fiore, Gerald A. Mendelsohn, Coye Cheshire
111: Using Twitter During an Academic Conference: The #iswc2009 Use Case
Julie Letierce, Alexandre Passant, John G. Breslin, Stefan Decker
112: Voices of Vlogging
Joan-Isaac Biel, Daniel Gatica-Perez
114: Local circles, local topics: social and semantic proximity in blog networks
Jean-Philippe Cointet, Camille G. Roth
116: Monetary Value of Customer Networks in Mobile Social Networking Services
Naohiro Matsumura, Hikaru Yamamoto
117: What’s Worthy of Comment? Content and Comment Volume in Political Blogs
Tae Yano, Noah A. Smith
118: The Wisdom of Bookies? Sentiment Analysis vs. the NFL Point Spread
Yancheng Hong, Steven Skiena
120: Trading Strategies To Exploit Blog and News Sentiment
Wenbin Zhang, Steven Skiena
121: “How incredibly awesome!” - click here to read more
Hyung-il Ahn, Werner Geyer, Casey Dugan, David Millen
127: Temporal Correlation between Social Tags and Emerging Long-term Trend Detection
Ming-Hung Hsu, Hsin-Hsi Chen
130: Decomposing Discussion Forums and Boards using User Roles
Jeffrey Chan, Conor Hayes, Elizabeth M. Daly
134: Modeling Group Dynamics in Virtual Worlds
Syed Fahad Allam Shah, Gita Sukthankar, Chris Usher
144: What Makes a Blog a Blog? Exploring User Conceptualizations of an Old “New” Online Medium
Jeffrey William Treem, Kristin Yates Thomas
147: User Acceptance of Micro-blogging in the Enterprise
Jun Zhang, Yan Qu, Derek Hansen
153: How to Become Famous in the Microblog World
Takeshi Sakaki, Yutaka Matsuo
154: Discovering Serendipitous Information from Wikipedia by Using its Network Structure
Yohei Noda, Yoji Kiyota, Hiroshi Nakagawa
Demo Papers
139: A Web-based System for Data Collection and Community BuildingIsta Zahn
159: TweetMotif: Exploratory Search and Topic Summarization for Twitter
Brendan O'Connor, Michel Krieger, David Ahn
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