ICWSM-11 Accepted Papers
Full Papers | Poster | Data Challenege Paper | Demo Papers
Full Papers
78: Rating friends without making enemies, Lada Adamic, Debra Lauterbach, Chun-Yuen Teng, Mark Ackerman102: Reconstruction of Threaded Conversations in Online Discussion Forums, Erik Aumayr, Jeffrey Chan, Conor Hayes
128: Center of Attention: How Facebook Users Allocate Attention across Friends, Lars Backstrom, Eytan Bakshy, Jon Kleinberg, Thomas Lento, Itamar Rosen
352: Insights into Internet Memes, Christian Bauckhage
262: 4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community, Michael S. Bernstein, Andrès Monroy-Hernández, Drew Harry, Paul Andrè, Katrina Panovich, Greg Vargas
172: Scalable Event-based Clustering of Social Media via Record Linkage Techniques, Krisztian Buza, Philipp Cimiano, Lucas Drumond, Timo Reuter, Lars Schmidt-Thieme
203: Two paths of glory - Structural position and trajectories of websites within their topical community, Dominique Cardon, Guilhem Fouetillou, Camille Roth
154: Event Summarization using Tweets, Deepayan Chakrabarti, Kunal Punera
307: Location^3: How Users Share and Respond to Location-Based Data on Social Networking Sites, Jonathan Chang, Eric Sun
282: Exploring Millions of Footprints in Location Sharing Services, Zhiyuan Cheng, James Caverlee, Kyumin Lee, Daniel Z. Sui
58: Political Polarization on Twitter, Michael Conover, Jacob Ratkiewicz, Matthew Francisco, Bruno Gonçalves, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer
267: Taking It All In? Visual Attention in Microblog Consumption, Scott Counts, Kristie Fisher
16: Timing Tweets to Increase Effectiveness of Information Campaigns, Onkar Dabeer, Prachi Mehendale, Aditya Karnik, Atul Saroop
49: Social Lens: Personalization Around User Defined Collections for Filtering Enterprise Message Stream, Elizabeth Daly, Michael Muller, Liang Gou, David R. Millen
142: Identifying Influencers in Social Networks, Kushal Dave, Rushi Bhatt, Vasudeva Varma
253: Find Me the Right Content! Diversity-Based Sampling of Social Media Spaces for Topic-Centric Search, Munmun De Choudhury, Scott Counts, Mary Czerwinski
333: Latent Set Models for Two-Mode Network Data, Christopher DuBois, James Foulds, Padhraic Smyth
330: Can the ambiance of a place be determined from the user profiles of the people who visit it?, Lindsay Graham, Sam Gosling
204: Escaping Information Poverty through Internet Newsgroups, Laura Hasler, Ian Ruthven
43: Searching Twitter: separating the wheat from the chaff, Jonathan Hurlock, Max L. Wilson
25: Media landscape in Twitter: A world of new conventions and political diversity, An Jisun, Meeyoung Cha, Krishna P. Gummadi, Jon Crowcroft
266: Dimensions of Self-Expression in Facebook Status Updates, Adam D. I. Kramer, Cindy K. Chung
33: When the Wikipedians talk: network and tree structure of Wikipedia discussion pages, David Laniado, Riccardo Tasso, Yana Volkovich, Andreas Kaltenbrunner
277: Seven Months with the Devils: A Long-Term Study of Content Polluters on Twitter, Kyumin Lee, Brian Eoff, James Caverlee
75: More Voices than Ever? Quantifying Bias in Social and Mainstream Media, Yu Ru Lin, James Bagrow, David Lazer
46: The Party is Over Here: Structure and Content in the 2010 Election, Avishay Livne, Matthew P. Simmons, Eytan Adar, Lada Adamic
87: Why do people retweet? Anti-homophily wins the day!, Sofus A. Macskassy, Matthew Michelson
231: Task Specialization in Social Production Communities: The Case of Geographic Volunteer Work, Mikhil Masli, Reid Priedhorsky, Loren Terveen
271: Extracting Meta Statements from the Blogosphere, Filipe Mesquita, Denilson Barbosa
109: Trust Amongst Rogues? A Hypergraph Approach for Comparing Clandestine Trust Networks in MMOGs, Ahmad Muhammad, Brian Keegan, Dmitri Williams, Jaideep Srivastava, Noshir Contractor
70: The Prevalence of Political Discourse in Non-Political Blogs, Sean Munson, Paul Resnick
123: Exploiting User Interest on Social Media for Aggregating Diverse Data and Predicting Interest, Nozomi Nori, Danushka Bollegala, Mitsuru Ishizuka
113: Technology-Mediated Citizen Science Participation: A Motivational Model, Oded Nov, Ofer Arazy, David Anderson
243: What's in a @name ? How Name Value Biases Judgment of Microblog Authors, Aditya Pal, Scott Counts
133: You Are What You Tweet: Analyzing Twitter for Public Health, Michael Paul, Mark Dredze
79: Generate Adjective Sentiment Dictionary for Social Media Sentiment Analysis , Wei Peng, Dae Hoon Park
295: A machine learning approach to Twitter user classification, Marco Pennacchiotti, Ana-Maria Popescu
71: The effect of mobile platforms on Twitter content generation, Mathieu Perreault, Derek Ruths
59: Detecting and Tracking Political Abuse in Social Media, Jacob Ratkiewicz, Michael Conover, Mark Meiss, Bruno Gonçalves, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer
48: How does Social Capital affect Retweets?, Raquel Recuero, Ricardo Araujo, Gabriela Zago
165: An Assessment of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Task Performance in Crowdsourcing Markets, Jakob Rogstadius, Vassilis Kostakos, Niki Kittur, Boris Smus, Jim Laredo, Maja Vukovic
212: Socio-spatial Properties of Online Location-based Social Networks, Salvatore Scellato, Renaud Lambiotte, Cecilia Mascolo, Anastasios Noulas
221: Just a Click Away: Social Search and Metadata in Predicting File Discovery, N. Sadat Shami, Michael Muller, David R. Millen
136: Differential Adaptive Diffusion: Understanding Diversity and Learning whom to Trust in Viral Market, Hossam Sharara, William Rand, Lise Getoor
64: Memes Online: Extracted, Subtracted, Injected, and Recollected, Matthew P. Simmons, Lada Adamic, Eytan Adar
179: Diversity Measurement of Recommender Systems under Different User Choice Models, Z. Szlavik, W. Kowalczyk, Martijn Schut
66: Participation Maximization Based on Social Influence in Online Discussion Forums, Sun Tao, Wei Chen, Zhenming Liu, Yajun Wang, Xiaorui Sun, Ming Zhang, Chin-Yew Lin
143: What stops social epidemics?, Greg Ver Steeg, Rumi Ghosh, Kristina Lerman
134: NLP to the Rescue?: Extracting "Situational Awareness" Tweets During Mass Emergency , Sudha Verma, Sarah Vieweg, William Corvey, Leysia Palen, James H. Martin, Martha Palmer, Aaron Schram, Kenneth M. Anderson
47: Identifying Representative Textual Sources in Blog Networks, Karen Wade, Derek Greene, Conrad Lee, Daniel Archambault, Padraig Cunningham
98: Event Detection in Twitter, Jianshu Weng, Francis Lee
239: Culture Matters: A Survey Study of Social Q&A Behavior, Jiang Yang, Meredith Ringel Morris, Jaime Teevan, Lada Adamic, Mark Ackerman
187: Classifying the Political Leaning of News Articles and Users From User Votes, Daniel Xiaodan Zhou, Paul Resnick, Qiaozhu Mei
Poster Papers
Prominence Ranking in Graphs with Community Structure; Sibel Adali, Xiaohui Lu, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Jonathan PurnellImproving Text Clustering with Social Tagging; M. Eduardo Ares, Javier Parapar, Álvaro Barreiro
Trends in Social Media: Persistence and Decay; Sitaram Asur, Bernardo A. Huberman, Gabor Szabo, Chunyan Wang
Beyond Trending Topics: Real-World Event Identification on Twitter; Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano
Selecting Quality Twitter Content for Events; Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano
You Are Known by How You Vlog: Personality Impressions and Nonverbal Behavior in YouTube; Joan-Isaac Biel, Oya Aran, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Modeling Public Mood and Emotion: Twitter Sentiment and Socio-Economic Phenomena; Johan Bollen, Huina Mao, Alberto Pepe
Facebook Use and Social Capital — A Longitudinal Study; Petter Bae Brandtzaeg, Oded Nov
Who Should I Follow? Recommending People in Directed Social Networks; Michael J. Brzozowski, Daniel M. Romero
A Bootstrapping Approach to Identifying Relevant Tweets for Social TV; Ovidiu Dan, Junlan Feng, Brian D. Davison
Analyzing Political Trends in the Blogosphere; Gianluca Demartini, Stefan Siersdorfer, Sergiu Chelaru, Wolfgang Nejdl
Using the H-index to Estimate Blog Authority; José Devezas, Sérgio Nunes, Cristina Ribeiro
Divided They Tweet: The Network Structure of Political Microbloggers and Discussion Topics; Albert Feller, Matthias Kuhnert, Timm O. Sprenger, Isabell M. Welpe
Automatic Group-Interactive Radio Using Social-Networks of Musicians; Ben Fields, Christophe Rhodes, Mark d’Inverno
Creating Conversations: An Automated Dialog System; Lisa Gandy, Kristian Hammond
Large-Scale Community Detection on YouTube for Topic Discovery and Exploration; Ullas Gargi, Wenjun Lu, Vahab Mirrokni, Sangho Yoon
Limits of Electoral Predictions Using Twitter; Daniel Gayo-Avello, Panagiotis T. Metaxas, Eni Mustafaraj
Trust, Reputation and the Small Firm: Building Online Brand Reputation for SMEs; Barbara Gligorijevic, Benjamin Leong
Automatically Identifying Groups Based on Content and Collective Behavioral Patterns of Group Members; Michelle Gregory, Dave Engel, Eric Bell, Andy Piatt, Scott Dowson, Andrew Cowell
Characterizing Social Relations via NLP-Based Sentiment Analysis; Georg Groh, Jan Hauffa
Exploring Text Virality in Social Networks; Marco Guerini, Carlo Strapparava, Gözde Özbal
Mapping the Political Twitterverse: Candidates and Their Followers in the Midterms; Alexander Hanna, Ben Sayre, Leticia Bode, JungHwan Yang, Dhavan Shah
Relevance Modeling for Microblog Summarization; Sanda Harabagiu, Andrew Hickl
Language Matters in Twitter: A Large Scale Study; Lichan Hong, Gregorio Convertino, Ed H. Chi
Identifying Users across Social Tagging Systems; Tereza Iofciu, Peter Fankhauser, Fabian Abel, Kerstin Bischoff
Structure and Reciprocity in Technology-Centered Q&A Communities; Ming Jiang, Tao Dong, Yung-Ju Chang
Supervised Topic Segmentation of Email Conversations; Shafiq Joty, Giuseppe Carenini, Gabriel Murray, Raymond T. Ng
Summarizing User-Contributed Comments; Elham Khabiri, James Caverlee, Chiao-Fang Hsu
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: The Good the Bad and the OMG!; Efthymios Kouloumpis, Theresa Wilson, Johanna Moore
Using Twitter to Detect and Tag Important Events in Live Sports; James Lanagan, Alan F. Smeaton
Exploring Feature Definition and Selection for Sentiment Classifiers; Yelena Mejova, Padmini Srinivasan
Sentiment Flow through Hyperlink Networks; Mahalia Miller, Conal Sathi, Daniel Wiesenthal, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts
Understanding the Demographics of Twitter Users; Alan Mislove, Sune Lehmann, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, J. Niels Rosenquist
LeadLag LDA: Estimating Topic Specific Leads and Lags of Information Outlets; Ramesh Nallapati, Xiaolin Shi, Daniel McFarland, Jure Leskovec, Daniel Jurafsky
Information Propagation on the Web: Data Extraction, Modeling and Simulation; François Nel, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Philippe Capet, Thomas Delavallade
Towards Discovery of Influence and Personality Traits through Social Link Prediction; Thin Nguyen, Dinh Phung, Brett Adams, Svetha Venkatesh
An Empirical Study of Geographic User Activity Patterns in Foursquare; Anastasios Noulas, Salvatore Scellato, Cecilia Mascolo, Massimiliano Pontil
Connecting Mutually Influencing Bloggers; Aditya Pal, Jaya Kawale
Is Twitter a Good Place for Asking Questions? A Characterization Study; Sharoda A. Paul, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi
Unearthing People from the SaND: Relationship Discovery with Social Media in the Enterprise; Adam Perer, Ido Guy, Erel Uziel, Inbal Ronen, Michal Jacovi
RT to Win! Predicting Message Propagation in Twitter; Sasa Petrovic, Miles Osborne, Victor Lavrenko
Methods to Determine Node Centrality and Clustering in Graphs with Uncertain Structure; Joseph J. Pfeiffer III, Jennifer Neville
Dancing with the Stars, NBA Games, Politics: An Exploration of Twitter Users’ Response to Events; Ana-Maria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti
Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Latent Attribute Detection in Social Media; Delip Rao, Michael Paul, Clay Fink, David Yarowsky, Timothy Oates, Glen Coppersmith
Describing the Web in Less than 140 Characters; Stéphane Raux, Nils Grünwald, Christophe Prieur
Maintaining Ties on Social Media Sites: The Competing Effects of Balance, Exchange, and Betweenness; Daniel M. Romero, Brendan Meeder, Vladimir Barash, Jon Kleinberg
High Correlation between Incoming and Outgoing Activity: A Distinctive Property of Online Social Networks?; Diego Saez-Trumper, David Nettleton, Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Using Network Structure to Identify Groups in Virtual Worlds; Fahad Shah, Gita Sukthankar
Viral Actions: Predicting Video View Counts Using Synchronous Sharing Behaviors; David A. Shamma, Jude Yew, Lyndon Kennedy, Elizabeth F. Churchill
Personalized Landmark Recommendation Based on Geotags from Photo Sharing Sites; Yue Shi, Pavel Serdyukov, Alan Hanjalic, Martha Larson
MODEC — Modeling and Detecting Evolutions of Communities; Mansoureh Takaffoli, Farzad Sangi, Justin Fagnan, Osmar R. Zaïane
Factors Affecting Response Quantity, Quality, and Speed for Questions Asked via Social Network Status Messages; Jaime Teevan, Meredith Ringel Morris, Katrina Panovich
Social Influence, Popularity and Interestingness of Online Contents; Hang M. Ung
An Optimized Web Feed Aggregation Approach for Generic Feed Types; David Urbansky, Sandro Reichert, Klemens Muthmann, Daniel Schuster, Alexander Schill
Future Link Prediction in the Blogosphere for Recommendation; Shanchan Wu, Louiqa Raschid, William Rand
Does Bad News Go Away Faster?; Shaomei Wu, Chenhao Tan, Jon Kleinberg, Michael Macy
Tracking Visual Memes in Rich-Media Social Communities; Lexing Xie, Apostol Natsev, John R. Kender, Matthew Hill, John R. Smith
Data Challenge Paper
Revolution 2.0 in Tunisia and Egypt: Reactions and Sentiments in the Online World; Jaehyuk Park, Beunguk Ahn, Rohjoon Myung, Kyuree Lim, Wonjae Lee, Meeyoung Cha [PDF]Demo Papers
Automatic Identification and Presentation of Twitter Content for Planned Events; Hila Becker, Feiyang Chen, Dan Iter, Mor Naaman, Luis GravanoDigital Diasporas Atlas: Exploration and Cartography of Diasporas in Digital Networks; Dana Diminescu, Mehdi Bourgeois, Matthieu Renault, Mathieu Jacomy
Making Project Team Recommendations from Online Information Sources; Charles Earl, Amos Johnson, Kaakpema Yelpaala, Travis Good
TweetTracker: An Analysis Tool for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief; Shamanth Kumar, Geoffrey Barbier, Mohammad-Ali Abbasi, Huan Liu
TweetTrader.net: Leveraging Crowd Wisdom in a Stock Microblogging Forum; Timm O. Sprenger
Areca: Online Comparison of Research Results; David Urbansky, Klemens Muthmann, Lars Kreisz, Alexander Schill