February 4, 2025
News Deadline

ICWSM Adamic-Glance Distinguished Early Career Award - Call for Nominations

We are now accepting nominations for the ICWSM Adamic-Glance Distinguished Early Career Award. Self-nominations and nominations from the community are welcome. Nominations received by March 15th, 2025 will be considered for this year's award. For more details, please visit the Awards page.

January 16, 2025
Deadline Program

Call for workshops extended!

We have extended the deadline for workshop submissions to January 24, 2025. Please find more information on the Submit page.

December 3, 2024
Deadline Program

Calls for datasets, posters, and demos published!

We are happy to announce the publication of the calls for datasets, posters, and demos for ICWSM 2025. Find more information on the Submit page.

November 22, 2024
Deadline Program

Calls for workshops and tutorials published!

We are pleased to announce the publication of the calls for workshops and tutorials for ICWSM 2025. Please check the Submit page for more information.

November 20, 2024

We are now on Bluesky! 🦋

Please follow us on Bluesky to stay updated on the latest news and announcements for ICWSM 2025.

The International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) is a forum for researchers from multiple disciplines to come together to share knowledge, discuss ideas, exchange information, and learn about cutting-edge research in diverse fields with the common theme of investigating the interplay of web and society. This overall theme includes research on new perspectives in social theories, as well as computational algorithms for analyzing digital traces of human activities or behaviors in social settings. ICWSM is a singularly fitting venue for research that blends social science and computational approaches to answer important and challenging questions about human social behavior through online traces while advancing computational tools for vast and unstructured data.

ICWSM, now in its nineteenth year, has become one of the premier venues for computational social science and social computing. Previous years of ICWSM have featured papers, posters, and demos that draw upon a wide spectrum of disciplines from computational sciences (e.g., network science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, test/data mining, natural language processing, image/multimedia processing, human computer interaction) to social sciences (e.g., sociology, communication, political science, anthropology, psychology, economics, digital humanities). Note that papers focusing solely on the advancement of algorithmic components, or which use Web data only as an artifact (for instance, in method evaluation) are out of scope. Ideal submissions should speak to research questions of societal relevance.

We invite original work that utilizes diverse digitally mediated data sources such as web navigation traces, traces from apps, social media traces, data from online platforms such as microblogs (e.g., X/ formerly Twitter), wiki-based knowledge sharing sites (e.g., Wikipedia), online news media (e.g., Huffington Post), forums, mailing lists, newsgroups, community media sites (e.g., YouTube, Instagram), Q&A sites (e.g., Quora, Stack Overflow), user review sites (e.g., Yelp, Amazon.com), search platforms and social curation sites (e.g., Reddit, Pinterest). Adapting to our continuously evolving field, we are open to new forms of technologically mediated human or society-related data sources (e.g., mobility traces, satellite data) and methods that advance our understanding of society and the influence of the web on it.

The uniqueness of the venue and the quality of submissions have contributed to a rapidly growing conference, and a competitive acceptance rate of approximately 20 to 30% for full-length research papers published in the proceedings by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

ICWSM-2025 will be held from June 23 - 26, 2025, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

Editors In Chief

Yu-Ru Lin

Yelena Mejova

Jisun An

Steering Committee

Ingmar Weber

Jeff Hancock

Kate Starbird

Ceren Budak

Fred Morstatter

Jürgen Pfeffer

Yu-Ru Lin

Munmun De Choudhury

Rumi Chunara

Aron Culotta

Brooke F. Wells

Daniele Quercia

Meeyoung Cha

Jason Nurse

Afra Mashadi

Kenny Joseph

Ella Haig

Jisun An

Diyi Yang

Yelena Mejova

Luca Maria Aiello

Tanu Mitra

Jahna Otterbacher

Miriam Redi

Robert West

Kiran Garimella

Ancsa Hannak

Agnes Horvat

Daniel Romero

Kokil Jaidka


Buffalo, U.S.



Limassol, Cyprus



Atlanta, Georgia and Online


Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference


Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference



Munich, Germany



Stanford, U.S.



Montreal, Canada



Cologne, Germany



Oxford, U.K.


Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, U.S.



Boston, U.S.



Dublin, Ireland



Barcelona, Spain


Washington D.C.

Washington D.C., U.S.


San Jose

San Jose, U.S.



Seattle, U.S.



Boulder, U.S.